? Anonymous Post ? I feel the guilt
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I currently have a 9 week old that's exclusively breastfed, however 80% of the time I'm just really not enjoying it I just wish I would formula feed I WANT to formula feed but when I think about weaning him onto formula I get filled with guilt and think I'd be failing him. I'm also scared that I would regret it and what my family would think of me and the judgment I would get.
I breastfed my first for over a year so I'm struggling with feeling like this and I don't know why I feel like this, I wanted to feed for over a year this time.
Has anyone else felt like this? How did you get over the guilt and stop breastfeeding? Or how did you begin to enjoy feeding?
My mum is a lactation consultant so I know all about the health benefits and everything as well.
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27170 - 2022-03-02 17:21:57
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