He's Threatening To Take The Car.
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My husband and I are separating and he's threatening to take the car. The car I need for my daughter (3). He doesn't even want the car, but it's in his name. The car is paid in full, however we have a personal loan that we used to pay off the finance on the car, which is also in his name. I've told him that I will pay the loan if I can keep the car. He's just getting nasty about it. I've never had to do this before. Is there somewhere recommended that I can get some free legal advice? I don't work have been a stay at home mum. And I've left with nothing basically. If he takes the car I can't even get a job! Please help with any advice as to where I go from here. Thank you x
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27244 - 2022-03-02 17:22:07
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