How do I wean my two -year- old off the dummy?
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Help. How do I wean my two-year-old off the dummy?
I'm noticing he's starting to say words differently and I worry it's giving him a lisp, his front teeth look shorter than the rest.
He's currently only having dummy at nap and bedtime at home and daycare have cut out the dummy and his fine there.
I snipped the tip of the dummy yesterday big mistake he refused to have his one nap.
Some friends are saying leave it to 2.5yrs and others are saying go cold turkey for 7days but I struggle with missing one nap. Also, I'm pregnant and due in August so the thought of weaning a toddler when the baby is here sounds like a nightmare. Thank you.
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27201 - 2022-03-02 17:22:01
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